The Iberian Itinerary

Iberian Museum in Jaén city
1. Iberian Museum in Jaén city
Province: Jaén
The Iberian Museum of Jaén is the only museum in the world dedicated to the Iberians, who became a cultural unit between 700 BC and 100 BC

Iberian oppidum of Puente Tablas
2. Iberian oppidum of Puente Tablas
Province: Jaén
Puente Tablas is an Iberian oppidum near Jaen dating to the 6th century BC

Cerro de la Cruz an Iberian settlement
3. Cerro de la Cruz an Iberian settlement
Province: Córdoba
Cerro de la Cruz is an Iberian settlement in Almedinilla, Cordoba province, Andalucia occupied between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC

Guide to Torreparedones Archaeological Park
4. Guide to Torreparedones Archaeological Park
Province: Córdoba
Torreparedones Archaeological Park, near Baena in Cordoba province is one of the best preserved Ibero-Roman settlements in Spain.

Ibero-Romano Oppidum of Cástulo
5. Ibero-Romano Oppidum of Cástulo
Province: Jaén
The Ibero-Roman oppidum of Castulo near Linares in Jaen province, Andalucia, Spain was one of the major Iberian cities in the Iberian Peninsula

Toya – an Iberian burial chamber
6. Toya – an Iberian burial chamber
Province: Jaén
Toya is an Iberian burial chamber in the municipailty of Peal de Becerro in Jaen province Andalucia Spain

Tútugi Iberian Necropolis in the Granada Geopark
7. Tútugi Iberian Necropolis in the Granada Geopark
Province: Granada
Tútugi Iberian Necropolis at Galera is the most extensive and important display of Iberian Culture in Spain. The Lady of Galera was found in one of the tombs

Basti, an Iberian Roman fortified town and Necropolis in the Granada Geopark
8. Basti, an Iberian Roman fortified town and Necropolis in the Granada Geopark
Province: Granada
Basti is an Iberian Roman fortified town and Necropolis near Baza, Granada province. The Dama de Baza was found here in 1971

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