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La Puerta de Segura

La Puerta de Segura is situated in one of the most fertile valleys on the Rio Guadalimar in Andalucia and a gateway to the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park in Jaen province.

By Nick Nutter | Updated 21 Sep 2022 | Jaén | Villages | Login to add to YOUR Favourites Favourites Icon or Read Later

This article has been visited 2,543 times La Puerta de Segura La Puerta de Segura

La Puerta de Segura

Divided by the Rio Guadalimar, La Puerta de Segura is a gateway to the Sierra Segura, part of the larger Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Natural Park in Jaen province. It is an ideal place from which to explore the northern parts of the natural park.

History of La Puerta de Segura

Guadalimar at Puerta de Segura Guadalimar at Puerta de Segura

Guadalimar at Puerta de Segura

The fertile valley of the Rio Guadalimar has been inhabited since prehistoric times, with Neolithic settlements on the banks of the river.

During the Iberian period in the area of town known as Bujalamé, there are traces of settlement whose economy was based on agriculture and livestock.

The Muslims realised the strategic location of Puerta de Segura and built two fortresses, one now subsumed beneath urban development and the other, Bujalamé that consists of a single tower near the town centre, overlooking the river.

In 1235 Puerta de Segura was conquered by the Knights of Santiago and became part of the extensive domain of the Order who were based in Segura de la Sierra.

During the reign of Philip II Puerta de Segura was included in the territorial demarcation of Toledo, within the Order of Santiago, later becoming a dependency of the Government of Segura.

In 1833 the whole region became part of the province of Jaén. That same year it received the title of town and in 1917 “de Segura” was added.

Castle of Bujalamé

Castle of Bujalamé Castle of Bujalamé

Castle of Bujalamé

The Castle of Bujalamé is the only surviving remnant of the Muslim period. It currently consists of a single tower in poor condition, closed to the public. The tower was probably part of the defensive wall surrounding the Muslim settlement and it was built towards the end of the 11th century.

Bridge over the Rio Guadalimar

Bridge over the Guadalimar Bridge over the Guadalimar

Bridge over the Guadalimar

Beneath the fortress of Bujalamé, the Muslims built a single arch bridge. Only the foundations remain. The bridge you see today was built in the 20th century.

Iglesia de San Mateo

Iglesia San Mateo Iglesia San Mateo

Iglesia San Mateo

The church of San Mateo was built in a neo classical style from a design drawn up in 1817. A larger church than the existing mediaeval structure was needed to house an increasing number of townspeople. The tower is a later addition.

Visiting La Puerta de Segura

Riverside walk Puerta de Segura Riverside walk Puerta de Segura

Riverside walk Puerta de Segura

Puerta de Segura is a working Spanish town. Its main attraction is the river and this has been exploited by the council who have built a riverside walk with a recreation area.

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