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Diesel and Petrol Prices in Andalucia updated daily

price data, in euros per litre, is provided, each day, by Spain’s Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism

By Nick Nutter | Updated 22 Mar 2023 | Andalucia | Living In Andalucia | Login to add to YOUR Favourites Favourites Icon or Read Later

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The war in Ukraine is causing the cost of oil and gas to fluctuate on a daily basis. On this page you can check which fuel stations have the cheapest petrol and diesel in each town in each of the provinces of Andalucia. The price data, in euros per litre, is provided, each day, by Spain’s Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Andalucia

Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Almeria province.
Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Cadiz province.
Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Cordoba province.
Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Granada province.
Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Huelva province.
Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Jaen province.
Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Malaga province.
Find the cheapest diesel and petrol in Seville province.

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