New speed limits in urban areas in Spain after the 11th May 2021
By Nick Nutter | Updated 22 Mar 2023 | Andalucia | Living In Andalucia |
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The new speed limits imposed in Spain on Tuesday 11th May 2021 may be confusing some people but there is no confusion at all at this junction near Roquetas de Mar.
In municipal areas, streets that have no footpath, streets that are shared by road traffic and vehicles, the speed limit is 20 kph.
Streets with a single lane in each direction are restricted to 30 kph.
Roads with two lanes in each direction are now restricted to 50 kph. Some were previously 80kph.
The extra 20 kph overtaking allowance now no longer applies.
Municipalities are also allowed to set their own speed limits where required.
Increased penalties for holding a mobile phone will come into force.
Points will be deducted from driving licences for failing to wear a seat belt properly.
There will be penalties for using a radar detection device.
The new speed restrictions apply to vias urbanas which are defined by the Directorate General of Traffic as, 'any roads that form part of the internal communications network of a settlement, as long as they are not through roads (travesias) or form part of an arterial network'.
I first took a photograph of this set of road signs in 2017 on the road between Roquetas and Almerimar. The signs have since been renewed and, as you can see, cover most eventualities.