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Step by Step - Applying for Your First TIE - Entering Spain with a Visa

A step by step guide to applying for a TIE card in Spain having entered Spain on a visa

By Nick Nutter | Updated 22 Mar 2023 | Andalucia | Living In Andalucia | Login to add to YOUR Favourites Favourites Icon or Read Later

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Many people arriving in Spain with a brand new visa imagine that their paperwork problems are over. It would be nice if this were true, however, you are in Spain. You will need two more documents within a short time of arriving in Spain, the Certificado de Empadronamiento, usually just called the padron and your Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero , or TIE card.

If you already have a visa and TIE card, due for renewal then you need to go to this article for a Step by Step Guide to Renewing a Non-Lucrative Visa and TIE card

So, you have been through the bureaucratic nightmare of applying for and being granted a Visa to live in Spain. You have been given your Visa and arrived in Spain. Now what?

Well, within 30 days you now have to apply for your Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE) biometric card.

Here is how you do that. The first thing you need is a Certificado de Empadronamiento (Padron).

How to Obtain a Padron (Certificado de Empadronamiento)

What is the Padrón
Padrón is an abbreviation of empadrónamiento. It is a list held by individual municipalities of every resident in the municipality. The numbers on the padrón determine how much financial support the municipality receives from the central government for services such as health services, street lighting, policing and so on.
Who should be on the padrón
Officially all residents in Spain should be on the padrón so if you live in Spain permanently or for over 180 days in the year, you should be registered on the empadrónamiento.

Collect the following documents together

- Passport: Make 2 copies of the details page, your residency visa and your entry stamp into Spain or the Schengen zone. Bring the original passport and copies with you.
- Proof of address: You will need proof that you own the property you live in, such as a Nota Simple, or, if you rent, you will need a rental contract for a house or apartment that is valid for at least 6 months. Bring the original signed version and a photocopy. (If you are renting a room from someone or staying with family/friend, the owner of the residence might need to come with you to the appointment and they might need to bring a recent utility bill in their name. The rules vary depending on the city/town where you are living.)
- Proof of rent payment: Bring a copy of the receipt you received when you paid your first month’s rent.

Make an appointment at your Town Hall (Ayuntamiento)
Some towns insist you make an appointment, some just allow you to turn up and queue. The office dealing with the impadronamiento is not always the main Ayuntamiento building so it is worth checking the location with a local first.

How Long Does it Take To Get an Impadronamiento?
The time taken to receive your padron varies depending on the town you are in. In some places you may have to wait 5 minutes, in others you may have to return a week later.

Make an Appointment for your TIE

The wait time between applying for your appointment and actually going for it can be quite long. It is likely that by the time you have gone for your appointment your 30 days will be long gone. Do not worry. The key thing to do is apply before the 30 day deadline.

Making the Appointment on Line.
First you need to apply for an appointment at the National Police Station for your area.
Make your appointment here

You will receive an email with your confirmation letter attached.

Documents You Need for Your First TIE card with a Visa

Gather together
1 x In date Padron certificate plus a colour photocopy available from the Town Hall where you live
1 x Passport with at least six months left to run
2 x colour photocopy of passport
3 x TIE photograph in colour - correct size is 2.6cm wide x 3.2cm high white background (a UK passport size photo is not acceptable)
2 x copies of completed Form Modelo EX 17 TIE Application Form
2 x Tasa 790-12 certificates duly stamped by the bank
Resolution letter – This Carta de Resolucion is a simple document that confirms that you did apply for and receive your non-lucrative visa. Even though you have the visa in your passport, you might still need this document. Luckily, it’s very easy to obtain. Visit this official website.
For Form Modelo EX17, click here

Completing the Tasa 790-12

Download the form from here Tasa 790-12 download
Refer to the yellow highlighted sections on the example form here Example form
On the Form 790-12, complete the top part of the form
In the section Autoliquidacion
- Select Principal
Under Tarjetas de identidad de extranjeros (TIE) y certificados de registro de residentes comunitarios
- Click in the round box by TIE que documenta la primera concesión de la autorización de residencia temporal, de estancia o para trabajadores transfronterizos
In the Declarante Section
- Enter the locality of the bank you will pay at
In the Ingreso section
- Note that 16.08 € has been automatically filled in (This is the charge in 2022, it will increase each year.)
- Click in the round box by En efectivo
- Enter the Capture code
- Click on Descargar impreso rellanado
- Print the forms as they appear
Take the forms to your bank and pay in cash. The bank will stamp the forms and will keep one and hand two back to you
This tax cannot be paid on-line

Arriving for your appointment

Remember to take your documents as listed above
When you arrive a guard will indicate where to wait
When instructed you enter and go through a security check then enter into a machine your CODE from the appointment details given to you when you made the appointment
A ticket is produced giving you a desk number
Wait until you are called
The desk clerk will take the required documents from you, check your photograph and take the finger prints of your index finger (left and right)
The clerk will give you a pre-arranged appointment to collect your card some 6 weeks hence. If this appointment is not suitable there are instructions on the sheet on how to amend the appointment.

Depending on which province you are in you may be given a RESGUARDO DE SOLICITUD O RENOVACION DE TARJETA DE EXTRANJERO which is stamped by the police

Collecting your card

If you were given an appointment slip
Take your:-
- Appointment slip
- Your passport
The guard will indicate where to wait and the process once inside the building is the same as above

How to make an appointment to collect your TIE card

If, for whatever reason, you need to make an appointment, such as not being given an appointment slip, or being unable to make the first appointment to collect your card, wait at least 45 days from the date of your appointment then follow this procedure.

First you need to apply for an appointment at the National Police Station for your area.
Make your appointment here

You will receive an email with your confirmation letter attached.

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