Bungee Jumping in Andalucia
By Nick Nutter | Updated 5 Mar 2022 | Andalucia | Extreme Sports |
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Adrenaline junkies love this extreme sport. You need a platform at a great height and an unobstructed fall to the ground or body of water below. An elastic cord of just the right length is attached to the ankles at one end and something firm at the other. No skill is needed, you just jump. It is called bungee jumping.
The first bungee jump took place on April Fool’s day in 1979, when David Kirke and Simon Keeling, members of the Oxford University Dangerous Sports Club, launched themselves off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England. This famous suicide site is 76 metres above the River Avon. Both students survived the jump, only to be arrested when they stopped bouncing; jumping off the Clifton Suspension Bridge is prohibited, elastic rope or no.
Bungee jumping in Andalucia has been going on for 20 years.
Jump 20 metres from the Rambla del Huechar bridge at Gádor
The only location where you can do bungee jumping in the province of Cádiz is in Algodonales.
The only bridges where you can practice bungee jumping in the province of Córdoba are in Almodóvar del Río, and Benamejí. The pedestrian footbridge at Almodóvar spans the Guadiato river. Jumps are organised every Saturday and Sunday. The Hernán Ruiz Bridge at Benamejí is a 25 metre jump into the Rio Genal.
Jumping from the legendary Tablate bridge in Lanjarón was temporarily prohibted in 2016.
The only location where you can do bungee jumping in the province of Huelva, it is in Zalamea la Real, from the bridge known as the “Cinco Ojos”. This fantastic arched, stone bridge spans the River Oriel 40 metres below.
The only bridge where you can practice bungee jumping in the province of Málaga is in La Ventanilla (Ronda). The Ventanilla bridge in Ronda is a modest bridge with a 9 meters jump above a dry riverbed. Jumps are organised every Sunday.
The bridge at Aznalcóllar, between 20 and 27 metres over the Embalse de Agrio is a classic jump. Jumps are organised every Sunday at this scenic spot.